Yoga is an ancient physical and spiritual discipline and branch of philosophy that originated in India reportedly more than 5,000 years ago. The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit word yuj, which means to yoke, join, or unite.
The Iyengar school of yoga defines yuj as the "joining or integrating of all aspects of the individual - body with mind and mind with soul - to achieve a happy, balanced and useful life.Help you get in the right mindset and prepare your body to fall asleep
Help with stress management, mental health, mindfulness, healthy eating, weight loss and quality sleep
Slow movements and deep breathing increase blood circulation and warm muscles. Holding a pose can help build strength.
Basic stretching for easing pain and improving mobility in people with lower back pain
After committing to a yoga practice, you may experience increased mental and physical energy.
Ease some of the discomfort of tender, swollen joints for people with arthritis